For the ultimate in warming winter cosyness look no further than the traditional Apple Crumble. Its one of those puddings that's almost impossible to dislike. Just picture the snow outside, frosting on the windowpanes but a warm fire in the hearth, a mug of hot chocolate and a bowl of Apple Crumble - bliss!
Its the cinnamon and apple aroma that gets me every time. Combined with the smell of a buttery, oaty topping and custard on the side, I just can't imagine any better pudding to devour. And so versatile! Another day it may be accompanied by cream or icecream. The crumble topping could be with or without oats. A particular favourite for our family is to add either sunflower or pumpkin seeds to the topping, it gives an extra crunch with a yummy flavour. Walnuts or pecans add a different dimension again to the topping. For those watching calories, replace some of the flour with cornflakes for a crunchy lighter topping.
Of course just occasionally you may want to vary your basic Apple Crumble a little (Shock! Horror!) So why not add different fruits into the mix too? Blackberries are ripe around the same time and are a fantastic complement to the apple. Elderberries add a delicious tang to the basic Apple Crumble. Perhaps try rhubarb or plums as an alternative flavoursome mix. Fling in a handful of sultanas or chopped dates. Dust off the old spice rack too. Don't just stick to cinnamon but try mixed spice, cloves or nutmeg.
The humble Apple Crumble has even made it to the menus of top gourmet restaurants. But beware, these places tend to spoil its simple yumminess by either serving it 'separated' (the crumble not having been baked with the apple), or in a tiny fancy dish which you can eat in one mouthful therefore spoiling a major reason to have Apple Crumble. Don't forget, Apple Crumble is comfort food at its best, and you need a big comfortable bowl to enjoy it out of.
So when autumn hits and the apples are ripe, its time to dig out the ladders and get picking. Find the biggest dish that will fit in your oven and fill it up. When the day gets tough, Apple Crumble will be there for you at the end. Just curl up in your favourite chair with a good book and a bowl of Apple Crumble -enjoy.