Archives: December 2013
Winter Ice Cream?
It might be chilly outside, and memories of lying on a sandy beach scoffing a 99 might be rapidly fading, but ice-cream can also be a winter treat. Who knew? Continue reading
What's Panettone? A Pizza Topping?
Italians consider Panettone to be a Christmas staple and we finally see Continue reading
Lollipop Sticks Are Not Just For Lollipops
Lollipop and ice-lolly sticks are one of those craft staples that you never really grow out of. From those little yarn squares wound Continue reading -
Making a Tasty Christmas Tree
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree – yeah, it’s that time of year again and a Christmas tree is a terrific theme for all sorts of tasty bites. It doesn’t need to be difficult either. Anything stacked Continue reading
Christmas Pudding - Love It or (already) Ate it
Think of Christmas food, and the mind will turn immediately to turkey, roast potatoes, Brussels sprouts, and lashings of gravy. However, there is one element that Continue reading
Make Your Mince Pies Early In Time For Christmas
We are all so busy - life seems to whiz past and before we know it, Christmas will be upon us. We love to be organised and the feeling that another job is done and Continue reading