Toffee Apple Inspired Recipes
Toffee Apple's are a popular treat around this time of year; with Halloween and Bonfire Night approaching, there'll be a toffee apple overload among the coming weeks. Continue reading
Pumpkin Puddings That Are Perfect For October
Pumpkin's only ever tend to make an appearance in my household when we are carving a scary face into them right before Halloween. Continue reading
The Geode Wedding Cake Trend
For those of you who have attended a wedding in recent years, you've probably noticed that the wedding cake is not the traditional, white fruit cake that we've all come to expect. Continue reading
Valentines Day
Valentines Day
It’s almost that time of the year when we exchange cards, gifts, flowers, chocolates etc with our special “valentine.” Valentines Day is the perfect occasion to show your partner just how much they mean to you; whether that be with a traditional bouquet of flowers or a box of yummy chocolates! Continue reading
Christmas Pudding - Love It or (already) Ate it
Think of Christmas food, and the mind will turn immediately to turkey, roast potatoes, Brussels sprouts, and lashings of gravy. However, there is one element that Continue reading
Delicious, Homemade Toffee Apples
Although, you may think that making your own toffee apples sounds like a lot of hard work, without a guarantee of having a delicious treat to eat at the end. Continue reading